The ACLU did its bizarre impersonation of Nineteen Eighty-Four’s Ministry of Truth on Twitter. Just as that dystopian ministry exists to rewrite history to ensure that it corresponds with the Party’s current view of the world, so the ACLU now seems to think its job is to mangle old quotations so that they don’t offend 21st-century woke sensibilities. This is what the ACLU has Ginsburg saying in its tweet: ‘The decision whether or not to bear a child is central to a [person’s] life, to [their] wellbeing and dignity… When the government controls that decision for [people], [they are] being treated as less than a fully adult human responsible for [their] own choices.’

Person? People? They? Ginsburg didn’t use those words. She said woman, women, she. In two short sentences, the ACLU has carried out five acts of censure. It has corrected what it clearly believes was wrongthink on the part of Ginsburg. Ginsburg, who was a justice of the Supreme Court from 1993 until her death in 2020, may have been a much-honoured warrior for women’s rights, but she is guilty of having used incorrect speech in the eyes of the woke scolds who appear to have taken over the ACLU. She said ‘woman’, when as every good and obedient PC person now knows, we don’t use that word. It is potentially offensive to trans women or men who identify as women or non-binary people or whatever other group we are currently elevating above women and their right to talk about themselves and their lives.

There are many disturbing things about this erasure of past speech, this perverse falsification of RBG’s words. It is such a back-stabbing by the ACLU of a woman – yes, woman – who played a central role in the ACLU in the 1970s. Ginsburg co-founded the ACLU’s Women’s Rights Project in 1972. The project fought hundreds of sex-discrimination cases on behalf of women. The Women’s Rights Project still exists, but imagine if it had been launched in 2021. Would the ACLU even do such a thing today? It can’t even bring itself to say the word ‘woman’. Today it would have to be a Cervix-Havers’ Rights Project. Or perhaps a Non-Male Rights Project. Or a Ciswomen, Transwomen and Non-Binary People’s Rights Project. Anything but a Women’s Rights Project.

Exit quote: “When even an institution whose entire raison d’etre is defending liberty feels the need to take a Year Zero cudgel to a past utterance of the w-word, we know that speech-policing – and its ultimate goal of thoughtpolicing – is out of control.”

Meanwhile, on the non-distaff side of the equation: Marvel Studios May Drop The ‘Men’ From X-Men.

And the answer is none. None more woke.