MARK STEYN: The Afghan Humiliation: “Kabul Could Fall To The Taliban Within 90 Days, U.S. Intelligence Warns. Thank you, geniuses. That was Thursday. So it turned out to be well within ninety hours – which is close enough for US intelligence work. Was this the same ‘seventeen intelligence agencies’ who all agreed Russia had meddled in the 2016 election – and with whose collective intelligence only a fool would disagree? . . . To modify Hillary Clinton, what difference at this point would it make if the US government simply laid off its entire ‘intelligence community’? Indeed, what difference would it make if it closed down its military? Obviously, it would present a few mid-life challenges for its corrupt Pentagon bureaucracy, since that many generals on the market for defense lobbyist gigs and board directorships all at once would likely depress the going rate. But, other than that, a military that accounts for 40 per cent of the planet’s military spending can’t perform either of the functions for which one has an army: it can’t defeat overseas enemies, and it’s not permitted to defend the country, as we see on the Rio Grande. So what’s the point?”