WHY AMERICA SEEMS CRAZY: “It is, I’d argue, the sudden, rapid, stunning shift in the belief system of the American elites. It has sent the whole society into a profound cultural dislocation. It is, in essence, an ongoing moral panic against the specter of “white supremacy,” which is now bizarrely regarded as an accurate description of the largest, freest, most successful multiracial democracy in human history.”

Hypothesis: We are under memetic attack, and our elites have been compromised as a result. Crazy idea? Not as crazy as the ones infesting our ruling class.

Plus: “Kendi, feted across the establishment, favors amending the Constitution to appoint an unelected and unaccountable committee of ‘experts’ that has the power to coerce and punish any individual or group anywhere in the country deemed practicing racism. Intent does not matter. And the decisions are final. An advocate for unaccountable, totalitarian control of our society is the darling of every single elite institution in America, and is routinely given platforms where no tough questioning of him is allowed.”