BIBLE IS RACIST. BECAUSE SCIENCE: The now-hilariously mis-named “Scientific American” claims those who deny evolution are white supremacists. No, I am not making that up. That’s what you get when you combine Critical Race Theory (CRT) with a crude caricature of the dominant explanation for human origins.

As The Federalist Kylee Zempel explains:

“If they can convince you not only that your Donald Trump-voting Christian neighbor is a racist but that the Bible itself is the epitome of white supremacy, they can ban it from polite society and ostracize anyone who would defend it. Critical race theory is good. Jesus is bad. Now cough up your hard-earned tax dollars so we can teach that to your kids.”

That’s it in a nutshell (no pun intended). Evolutionists of sound mind, common sense and a genuine commitment to real science should be flooding SA with protests.