WELL, I’M CERTAINLY NOT SURPRISED: Electoral ducking and covering… why am I not surprised?

A) I watched the polls in 2012, and either the cheating was next level or about a third of my neighbors had amnesia about having voted early or by mail.

B) Having seized control of Colorado’s electoral bodies and offices, the democrats then proceeded to make us all “vote by mail.” Supposedly to save money, of course, but really, once you go vote by mail, you never leave the left. After that, regardless of what crazy things they did, they just got bigger majorities. Must be magic, right? They even elected that vaguely humanoid brainless twit, Jared Polis.

Screaming they won’t allow themselves to be audited because they’re the safest evah is just the confession.

To make this clear for those born stupid: Honest people whose honesty is cast into question don’t stomp their hooves and scream you’re a meany and a danger to the republic for casting doubt on the elections.  The doubt is already there. What you do is offer to have a third party or even your opponents audit, because you have nothing to hide.  Running around calling those who question you insurgents and traitors is an admission of guilty.

As a passing point of amusement, though I can’t find the site, I also have read that Georgia says their elections are the safest. I suggest their governors wrestle for the prize (of dirtiest, most shameless, utterly debased liars.)