THE HOLE IN ‘KAMALANOMICS:’ A Glaring Flaw Plagues the Veep’s Plan to Restore the Economy.

Harris has identified real problems. But the glaring flaw plaguing her vision for our post-pandemic economic recovery is that she misdiagnoses the origins of all of these problems. What Harris sees as market failures requiring government overhaul and unprecedented federal spending are actually problems created by overzealous government involvement in the first place.

For example, it wasn’t the free market that forced one in three small businesses to close or millions of women out of the workforce—it was government lockdown orders that literally made it illegal for business owners to open their doors. (While yielding little, if any, COVID mitigation benefits and creating a whole host of life-threatening second-order consequences).

It was the government, not the virus, that was the primary cause of widespread unemployment and small business closures. For proof, just consider the fact that states which took a more laissez-faire approach to COVID restrictions almost universally have much lower unemployment rates than those that implemented and maintained harsh lockdowns.

Of course, Harris isn’t wrong to identify the serious challenges faced by working mothers lacking childcare during the pandemic.

Harris has a lot on her plate right now — wrecking the border, wrecking the post-COVID economic recovery and: Biden: I’m putting Kamala Harris in charge of getting voting rights legislation passed through Congress. “Ah, that’s nice of him. Something new for her to fail at instead of just failing to ease the border crisis.”