UNIVERSITY TRAINING AS INDOCTRINATION: “How Often Do You Think People Make False Accusations” Related to Sexual Misconduct, Discrimination, or Retaliation?.

A correspondent of mine, who is a tenured professor at a prominent public research university, e-mailed me about this item in a mandatory online training that he had to go through:

When he answered “Sometimes,” he got the answer, “Not Quite” / “You might be surprised to learn that false reports aren’t common, and frivolous claims are almost nonexistent. According to a recent study, it is far more likely that troubling behavior will go unreported than that someone will make a false report. Try again.”

He couldn’t proceed until he gave the demanded answer, which is “rarely.”

But the faculty member pushed back: “It looks like the university is indeed going to ask the vendor (EverFi) that created the module to revise the structure of its questions; I’ll report more if I learn more.”