GUYS! YOU’RE NOT GOING TO FALL FOR THIS AGAIN, ARE YOU?  ‘Lockdown for a few weeks’: US’ Anthony Fauci on India’s Covid-19 crisis.

If you dig down and find any reliable numbers on India, the mortality we’re seeing is the same we’ve had.  Of the infected, less than 1% are dying, and those are people who were about six months from death, anyway.  When you consider the population numbers of India if you go on numbers only you can ramp up fear with. Don’t go on numbers. Go on percentage. It’s about the same as here. Which considering the sanitary conditions of their cities and the malnutrition our lockdowns caused is amazing.

Note that CNN is wall to wall panic porn again. And just looking on social media — which I don’t do much of — I’m seeing the same hot air I saw before the virus officially hit the west (when it actually had been here for several months already, but never mind) — about people just falling over dead on the sidewalk.  Curiously at least one picture of the dead was traced to a much older event.

So, guys, please tell me you’re not going to fall for this again.  Sweden? No extraordinary number of deaths. Texas? no increase in mortality.  Florida? No increase in mortality.  Locked down states and open states? You can’t tell which is which from mortality graphs.

New varieties?  Oh, sure. They’re going to keep beating that drum to try to stampede you into socialism.

Are you going to let them?