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Stacey Lennox: News on COVID-19 Testing Should Prompt an IMMEDIATE Congressional Investigation. “ In other words, a positive COVID-19 PCR test is not a definitive diagnosis in the absence of a full assessment of the patient and the situation. Yet, in December of 2020, the revision to the CDC guidelines for laboratories still used a Ct of 40 as the threshold to be considered negative.” (That’s a lot of not-sick sick people.)

Tyler O’Neil: Professor Makes a Stunning Admission About How She Trains Future K-12 Teachers. “I mean, it’s all social justice. All day, every day, I get to talk about the things I love. I’m really living the life over here.” (“Social” in front of any word reverses the word’s meaning.)

Yours Truly: What Do You Do with Democrats Who Enjoy Being Accused of Racism? “Imagine for a moment that you’re a well-meaning Democrat. How much of ‘All White People Are Racist’ clips could you get through before jumping on board the Trump Train?” (All of them, apparently.)