WHY IS THE LEFT SUCH A CESSPIT OF RACISM? When leftists celebrate medical abuse of white people.

Recently, ten years after Dr. Kollab’s undergraduate antisemitic tweets, Drs. Bram Wispelwey, a 2014 Ben-Gurion University medical school graduate, and Michelle Morse, a 2008 University of Pennsylvania medical school graduate, both on the faculty at Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital, published “An Antiracist Agenda for Medicine” in the March 17, 2021 Boston Review.  In this article, they go beyond standard calls for reparations in the direction of what they term “redress.”  They describe their algorithm for their hospital’s electronic medical record, which, in their own words, provides “a preferential admission option for Black and Latinx heart failure patients to our specialty cardiology service” by specifically flagging for specialty cardiology care the medical records of patients with specific adverse cardiovascular risk factors, but only if they are non-white.  Here, they advocate intentionally withholding medical care from white patients in favor of non-white patients — never mind the violence that this does to medical ethics, to the trust essential to the doctor-patient relationship, and to the principles of equal protection and non-discrimination enshrined in the Fourteenth Amendment and subsequent legislation.

Combining medicine and racism? That’s never been done before! Somebody needs to ask, “Are we the baddies?”