K-12 IMPLOSION UPDATE: Once Held Hostage By Teachers’ Unions, West Virginia Just Passed The Nation’s Broadest School Choice Law: For a state that couldn’t pass a modest measure on Education Savings Accounts just two years ago, it’s a breathtaking turnaround. What changed?

Apparently people aren’t scared of the teachers’ unions anymore, possibly because they’ve blown all their credibility and goodwill on self-serving behavior during the pandemic. “Public opinion polls confirm a major surge last year in support for measures to fund students directly. Remarkably, although these bills are almost exclusively advanced by Republican lawmakers, public support for school choice appears to be evenly distributed across the political spectrum. Last week, one Democrat lawmaker in Kentucky reluctantly crossed the aisle to vote against union interests on school choice, citing overwhelming support from his constituents. . . . Rucker believes the unions’ unyielding stance against school reopening has eroded their support among teachers as well as parents.”

Homeschooling is way up, too. Fund kids, not institutions.