ANALYSIS: TRUE. Arizona’s Gov. Ducey calls Harris the ‘worst possible choice’ to fix border. “Ducey, who was in Tucson, told reporters that Harris is “the worst possible choice” for the job. He also said that Harris’ selection is evidence that Biden has trivialized the situation. He said Harris just ‘flat out’ doesn’t care.”

So everyone is saying that by giving Harris this responsibility, Biden (or whoever’s running him now) is getting Harris ready to take over the top slot. But they’re giving her a job where she’s very likely to fail, and where the administration’s policies are deeply unpopular. So an alternative theory is that someone set this up to sabotage her.

Unlikely-but-fun scenario: Biden’s actually in full possession of his faculties, but is acting out-of-it to keep his internal Democratic opposition off-kilter. Sort of a Claudian strategy. Bonus: A reboot of the Phil Hartmann Reagan sketch to this effect, only with Dana Carvey as Biden.