THEY DON’T CALL HIM “FREDO” FOR NOTHING: Why Andrew Cuomo is falling on all fronts.

Then there’s his brother Chris, known as “the other Fredo.” Michael wouldn’t have gotten in this situation:

He could legitimately claim that the harassment allegations remain just that — if he himself hadn’t loudly insisted that due process wasn’t necessary in past cases, from the dubious accusations against now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh and former Assemblyman Micah Kellner to the far more serious ones against late Assemblyman Vito Lopez and others.

More important, his dodging and distraction on the nursing-home scandal no longer work: Emerson found a full 45 percent of voters say he should resign now over his deadly handling of that issue.

His arbitrary use of his emergency powers — special low-capacity rules for city eateries only, setting bar- and restaurant-closing hours, insisting that even winery patrons order “substantial food” and so on, all with zero basis in science — also ate away at the public’s trust.

As for the Legislature: Cuomo’s made a lot of enemies over the years, from his cynical and deceptive handling of pay raises to his hard-knuckle manipulation of factions in both parties to his regular outmaneuvering of the angry left.

And now that he’s wounded and bleeding, those enemies no longer fear him.

It’s better to be feared than loved, until people don’t fear you anymore.