GOODER AND HARDER, COLORADO EDITION: Englewood city councilmember says communist views should be no surprise.

In an interview with the Colorado Community Media, Stone — who won an at-large seat on the city’s seven-member council in 2019 — said he uses “communist” to describe his views.

“I am a communist. I’m open about it,” Stone wrote on Facebook. “I was open about it when I was campaigning.”

The printouts of Stone’s tweets included numerous posts from some of Stone’s Twitter accounts that have been deactivated. They include tags such as “#ArmedLeftist” and “#F—Capitalism.”

In response to a tweet by Carol Roth — a national media personality with a background in investment banking who posted a tweet with which Stone disagreed — the councilmember posted: “Light the BBQ, comrades. It’s time for some capitalist pork ribs.”
