THEY’RE NOT WRONG ABOUT WHERE WE ARE:  The Last Stop Before Thermopylae.

They’re insanely wrong about the solution. Getting the right to act like the left doesn’t solve anything, and might not even be possible. Beyond that, the current “elite” is that ONLY in their minds. They seized all the levers and positions of symbolic power, and they think that makes them special. But they’re a cargo cult following what has worked in other countries and not realizing culture matters. (Partly because they don’t understand what culture is.)
They’re best comparable to a dog who’s caught the bumper of a car and is holding on for dear life and not realizing it’s not winning. The left doesn’t even know where food comes from. And they’re quite unaware of the depth breadth and sheer contrariness of the “flyover states.” They got nothing.
As for normal people not being ready.  Oh, we’re ready. We lived through 2020. We know how desperate and crazy they are. And we’ve had just.About.Enough.
Yes, it’s late. It’s too late for everything they suggest. But it’s okay, because none of it would have worked, anyway.
They are however right about how messy it’s about to get.