YOU’RE GONNA NEED A BIGGER BLOG: The Three Worst Things About That Terrible Jeep Super Bowl Ad.

How could a major corporation not see how propagandistic it comes off to suggest that when Republicans win a national election, that’s divisive, but when Democrats win one, that’s unifying? The corporate-approved approach is to paper over disagreement while Democrats hold power while amplifying a full-on #Resistance when Republicans are in power.

Jeep sales will not heal the fabric of the country. Jeep ads can’t even help toward that goal so long as they are using dishonest and manipulative partisan framing in service of car sales.

Read the whole thing. Springsteen’s ad will alienate Jeep with red state car buyers*, but it will place its creator in the pole position to win a Clio. Apparently, that’s far more important for Jeep. Or as America’s Newspaper of Record put it: Conservatives Sit Down For A Relaxing Evening Of Being Insulted By Every Major Corporation In America.

* And many buyers who belong to the party that preaches tolerance for diversity, since they consider the 75 million or so people who voted for Trump to be various shades of evil. (Just ask leading LA Times columnists.)