THE COUNTRY’S IN THE VERY BEST OF HANDS: Jen Psaki On GameStop Stock Surge: ‘We Have The First Female Treasury Secretary.’

At her daily White House press conference Wednesday afternoon, Psaki responded to questions over whether the administration might get involved in the ongoing stock surge by noting that they’d just hired Janet Yellen as Treasury Secretary.

“Is the White House concerned about the stock market activity we’re seeing around GameStop and now some other stocks as well?” one reporter asked Psaki. “Have there been any conversations with the SEC about how to proceed?”

“Well, I’m also happy to repeat that we have the first female Treasury secretary and a team that’s surrounding her and often questions about markets,” Psaki replied.

She continued by noting that the White House would send reporters to the Treasury for comment, “but our team is, of course, our economic team, including Secretary Yellen and others, are monitoring the situation.”

When asked about the steep stock Dow decline, Psaki responded with a confusing excuse.

“It is a good reminder that the stock market is not the only measure of the health of our economy,” she said, “and it does not reflect how working and middle-class families are doing.”

The GameStop stock surge, of course, appears to be built on the day-to-day financial dealings of non-professional traders.

Psaki will no doubt “circle back” to GameStop at a later press conference.