BUY A GUN: The Only Protection From Government-Approved Mobs.

During the summer of 2020, violence shook many American cities. Rioting and looting destroyed businesses, damaged property, and caused injuries to people. But what exacerbated the situation, in a way that hasn’t occurred since the Reconstruction South of the 1860s and 1870s, was local government complicity in that violence.

Immediately following the Civil War, local governments in the South stood by passively as mobs of Confederate-sympathizers terrorized white Republicans and the newly freed blacks. Government officials acted in concert with the mobs to perpetuate the violence. At the same time, southern governments tried to restrict white Republicans and newly freed blacks from owning firearms with which to defend themselves.

A century and a half later, local governments similarly turned a blind eye to the looting and rioting mobs that roamed American cities during the summer of 2020. Not wanting to appear oppositional to the political message under which the mobs operated – not wanting to alienate a favored constituency – government officials refused to enforce the law against those mobs. Often, the officials even boasted that they were declining to prosecute law-breakers, thus deliberately choosing to favor one faction of people – e.g., the mobs, operating under the guise of political protest – over all those people whose lives and property were being threatened.

They need to be sued, and prosecuted, at the very least, for this civil rights violation.