“SOCIAL JUSTICE:” Compton ‘ambush’ leaves 2 LA County sheriff’s deputies ‘fighting for their lives.’

A handful of anti-police protesters showed up at the hospital where the deputies were being treated but soon dispersed after some tense moments with authorities who were guarding the entrance, KABC reported.

A local faith leader who came to the hospital to pray for the deputies, told a KABC reporter that some of the protesters had been shouting slogans like “Death to police!”

Protesters were blocking the entrance to the hospital emergency room and yelling, “We hope they die,” referring to the two deputies, the sheriff’s office said.

The press will ignore this, of course. It’s not like it was a white high school boy allegedly smirking.

Related: Despicable Video from Los Angeles: BLM Blocks Entrances To Hospitals While Celebrating Shooting of Two LA Deputy Sheriffs. Note, by the way, that the community/police tension is racial, but it’s not black/white it’s black/hispanic:

The City of Compton disbanded its own police department in 2000. It was riddled with corruption, and it was economically unfeasible for the City to continue funding it. Compton now contracts with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department for police services.

But the Sheriff’s Department has had a long history of trouble in the City of Compton. It is alleged by community activists that within the Sheriff’s Department — which has a large Latino component — there is an “assassination” squad who get special tattoos after killing a reputed gang member, justified or not.

One interesting bit of fallout to watch from the BLM protests/riots is how the Latino vote reacts.