I’ve talked to many people in recent months: Some who ‘refuse to consider’ themselves republican since Trump was elected into office, and others who intend to vote republican on the presidential ticket this year for the first time in their lives.

It’s been mainly upper class wealthy whites leaving the party. Who’s replacing them? Blacks. Hispanics. Gays. Average Americans who work hard for their families and just want to be left alone to LIVE.

Not trying to play identity politics in this post, I’ve just found it fascinating in my own communications with so many folks.

And frankly, I’m ecstatic about this trade-off. It’s long overdue that the “party of white, wealthy men” diversify to better represent the nation as a whole.

Just please stop exploiting your former “Republican” affiliation. The party has evolved, thankfully. Stop using your defection as some kind of “heroic” act (hysterical). You don’t fit in here anymore- YOU, in fact, have been who we’ve rejected….driven out.

Go pander to the democrats on your own personal or professional merits, if you even possess any. If all you’ve got as your appeal is, “I used to be a republican,” it’s no wonder we’ve rejected you. We prefer talent, ideas, and passion from those we associate with.

The GOP is transforming from an elitist to a populist party. It’s unsurprising that some elitists are uncomfortable with that, and more comfortable with the party of Hollywood, academia, and Wall Street.