ROGER KIMBALL: President Kamala, mistress of puppets? Not so fast.

Experts disagree about who is the nastiest and most disagreeable woman in politics. Some say it is Elizabeth Warren, and there is a lot to be said for her candidacy. Some say it is Hillary Clinton or Amy Klobuchar. I admit there is quite a lot to said for both of them as well. But for my money, the single most repellent woman in politics today is Kamala Harris. She is also, as this devastating video clip tweeted out today by President Trump reminds us, one of the most extreme leftists in what we used to be able to call, without irony, mainstream politics.

Frankly, I am surprised at Joe Biden’s minders. What does Harris bring to the ticket? Yes, she is a mixed-race female, which gives him brownie points with the BLM-antifa fanatics (though her behavior as a prosecutor and attorney general of California will win her no plaudits in those quarters). But Biden will take California in any event. How will Harris play in the rest of the country? Not well, I predict.

I think it likely that Joe Biden is not allowed to tie his shoes without the OK from his handlers.

Well, yes: Biden’s Staff Gave Him A Script So He’d Know Why He Was Calling Kamala Harris.