OLD AND BUSTED: “We Are All Socialists Now,” the Washington Post admitted in February 2009, via then-sister publication Newsweek.

The New Hotness? We Are All National Socialists Now: Washington Post celebrates destruction of books.

Today, the Washington Post’s Sunday “Outlook” section ran a piece in which Lawrence Downes, formerly of the New York Times editorial board, boasts about feeding books by Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Laura Ingraham, and other conservative authors to worms. Downes says he purchases these books on sale from his public library. He then takes them home for “quarantine.” In this way, he prevents people who might want to buy and read the books from doing so.

For extra pleasure, Downes has taken to putting the books in a compost bin along with coffee grounds, potato and carrot peels, etc., and feeding the pages to worms. He seems to believe that doing so is different in nature from burning the books. He’s right. Taking into account the pleasure Downes gets and his desire to write about the experience, it’s sicker.

And that’s not the only destruction the Post is celebrating. Andy Ngo tweets that, “As Portland experiences more than 70 days of violent protests, riots, arson attacks, soaring homicides & shootings, @washingtonpost actually published a glowing photo essay on #antifa riot fashion. What is wrong w/reporter @Marissa_Jae & the editors there?”

Think of the press as a psychological warfare operation against normal Americans and you won’t go far wrong, to coin an Insta-phrase.