WHEN YOU’RE A LEFTY WHO’S LOST JONATHAN CHAIT…: Is the Anti-Racism Training Industry Just Peddling White Supremacy?

It’s easy enough to see why executives and school administrators look around at a country exploding in righteous indignation at racism, and see the class of consultants selling their program of mystical healing as something that looks vaguely like a solution. But one day DiAngelo’s legions of customers will look back with embarrassment at the time when a moment of awakening to the depth of American racism drove them to embrace something very much like racism itself.

See also: The Smithsonian’s racism, which Chait addresses as well.

Click to enlarge.

Which was too much, even for the uber-PC Smithsonian: African American History Museum removes ‘whiteness’ chart.

Minus the chart, the “whiteness” page on the museum’s website remains the same, including a video from another diversity consultant, Robin DiAngelo, author of the bestseller White Fragility. It includes a discussion of “white dominant culture” without the specific references to individualism, hard work, objectivity, etc., that the chart included.

Related: Americans Are Not Racist, But Race Activists Are.