ROGER SIMON: Bari Weiss’ Brilliant Farewell to the New York Times Doesn’t Go Far Enough.

My only question for Bari Weiss after reading her otherwise eloquent (and evidently much discussed) letter of resignation to the New York Times is what took you so long?

A corollary question might be: why did you join in the first place?

I’m assuming Ms. Weiss, an intelligent woman with a degree from Columbia and a stint as an editor at the estimable Tablet, was well aware of the Times’ devoutly leftwing Weltanschauung that dates back at least to Walter Duranty’s epochal whitewash of Stalin in the Thirties (“You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs”) and continued through the back page treatment of the Holocaust (Auschwitz was not big news) to Herbert Matthews’ mawkish fawning over Fidel Castro.

And then we have the embarrassing era of Jayson Blair (2003) who lied undetected on the front page of the paper—made up stories out of whole cloth—no less than seven times. The Times itself declared Blair’s journalistic misdeeds “unprecedented.”

It’s hard to believe, looking back at the Howling Howell Raines/Jayson Blair era, how much crazier the Times would eventually become. Or as Ben Shapiro tweets, “Congratulations to the New York Times’ replacement hire for Bari Weiss, Nick Cannon.” Don’t give Sulzberger and Baquet any ideas, Ben!