NEO: The Democrats believe they have checkmated Trump.

The outcome depends in part on the players, but it also depends (unlike in chess) on the observers, the American voting public. Will they be fooled by all of this? Will they actually believe that it’s all Trump’s fault, and that Biden (or his carefully-selected approved-identity-group Veep) and the Democrats are the answer? Or will they see through it? Will they notice that it’s in red states and red cities that there’s no turmoil and no upheaval?

I recently spoke with a friend who lives in New York City, who said that people are starting to leave – to sell their homes and buy elsewhere. So some are voting with their feet, as we used to say in the bad old days of the Sixties. Will they carry their Democrat voting habits with them? Or have they been mugged by reality?

It depends, in the end, on the American people. Doesn’t it always?

GOP governors better get cracking on those Welcome Wagon kits ASAP, if they want to keep their states in the red column.