DOING THE JOURNALISM THAT OUR ALLEGED JOURNALISTS WON’T DO: “Consider destroying your enemy”: Project Veritas infiltrates Antifa, insanity ensues. “This time, Project Veritas really has infiltrated Antifa, or at least one of its cells in Oregon. Their undercover operative managed to get some video and audio of training sessions in which extremists were urged to gouge people’s eyes, assault them and to ‘consider like destroying your enemy.'”

This seems like Antifa is a criminal conspiracy to deprive people of their civil rights through violence to me.

Plus: “For the past couple of weeks, there have been plenty of people trying to deny any real organization behind Antifa and even their involvement in rioting, despite a long history of violent street action across the country. In the Twin Cities, our leadership tried pinning it on ‘white supremacists’ from outside of the state, only to end up with egg on their faces when the data from arrests started coming to light. Even the SPLC ended up calling shenanigans on that claim. The DoJ’s focus on anarchists and Antifa will likely have a lot more success than attempts to shift the blame away from the extreme-leftist orgs that routinely conduct such operations, only not to this level of success.”