THE NEW HOTNESS: Celebrity elite demand defunding of police departments.

If celebrities want police reform, great, but let’s be clear what that means. For one, it should mean repealing some laws that require more intrusive policing, where biases can play out in the ambiguity. That’s not just drug laws either, but all sorts of intrusive issues relating to domestic issues and family law. Since their suggestion is not to have police at all available, that shouldn’t be a problem, right?

Second, let’s be sure we direct demands for police reform where they belong — at the state and local level. Police operate on authority from their cities and counties, almost all of which have been run by one party for decades — and it ain’t the GOP.

Read the whole thing.

Related: Police groups break with Biden. “Police are shaking their heads because he used to be a stand-up guy who backed law enforcement,” one top official said.

Given that Biden would serve as the elderly figurehead of an uber-woke administration*, I hope everybody has been enjoying their free 90-day trial of his presidency.

* Or, as Victor Davis Hanson writes, “It is now conventional punditry that should Joe Biden win in November, his vice president, in 1944-style, will sooner rather than later become president.”