Is Mr de Blasio more proud than Mrs I. Omar, her brother and her husbands are of Mrs Omar’s school-age daughter Isra? Isra is only 17, yet she’s also an ‘activist’: co-founder of Youth Climate Strike. This underage sect of Greta Thunberg cultists have done their homework: they call themselves an ‘anti-capitalist, working class, multi-racial coalition of young people organizing for radical climate action’.

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These are the children of the revolution. They’re heirs to privilege and influence, precociously installed in sinecures with a presumption that would have embarrassed a French aristocrat. When the peasants are revolting, they exhort and aid, but they prefer others to do the actual fighting. When the rubble is cleared and the blood washed from the streets, they’ll be where they are now. And they’ll still be there, part of a class of professional agitators, marching through the institutions while most of our media applaud them and give a soft pass to their hard-headed parents. The revolution has not begun: it is already well on the way to completion.

Read the whole thing.