New plan.

Take the Ethanol Standard out (DIE! DIE! DIE!) and have a two year subsidy for excess crops. Have the Feds subsidize all of it. All. It goes to US AID, so it doesn’t become another USDA horror show. And it goes out.

And then feed the world. Then the farm bill can die. (It makes me nauseous to extend it one minute, but millions are going to be food insecure and the American farmer is the most productive grower in the world.)

If anything can shut up the “why America sucks” crowd and feed the world, it sure as hell isn’t having another celebrity sing-along. It’s this.

I doubt anything can shut them up, but it’s still a good plan. He adds:

It’s almost too late for this season but there are three-crop areas that need to do this. And it can tilt FOR NOW to more durable crops. And there needs to be a “seven lean year” warehouse system in place because there will be a LOT of corn and beans to store. More than the current grain terminals can handle. Unlike PPP it needs to be targeted to multi year storable crops. This calendar is probably not at risk. Next year is, especially Africa and frankly maybe Europe with the coming EU implosion.

Like I said, a good idea.

UPDATE: Alex adds:

PPP, I mean the disincentives I’m working part of the Payroll Pork Program.

And then Uncle Sugar needs to ride out the tail, so we don’t swamp our self-sufficient countries that will otherwise be wiped out by American largesse.

It would be very bad if we kill African entrepreneurs/farmers while trying to feed the world.

I didn’t say it was easy. It’s a balance which the US isn’t great at. But it will also keep 330 million Americans from starving, so bonus there.

And having ten million tons of US grain sent to China isn’t the worst PR message to the Chinese that we aren’t their enemies.

Like I said, it’s a good idea.