MORE ON FOOD SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES from InstaPundit reader/farmer Bart Hall:

Poultry have an extra-ordinarily tight “best by” date for slaughtering. Tyson owns all those birds in any case, and they don’t wish to feed them.

With pigs, the slaughter window is a bit wider, but they, well, eat like pigs. On a family farm with a few hogs for local sale you can shift their food mix to slow ’em down, but not in the standard commercial operations.

Beef cattle (and bison) have loads of manoeuvrability, especially going into grazing season, particularly for family farms. Feedlot cattle are another deal, and they’re probably going to be eating a bunch of shredded paper — yes they can digest it — to keep feed costs down. Good time to by *local* beef or hogs.

We’re also starting to see all sorts of **packaging** supply issues for produce and even things as banal as flour and oatmeal. Things are very fragile, intercalated, and interdependent.

Indeed they are. They’re also pretty resilient, but not without some lag time.