THIS IS ABSOLUTELY RIGHT:  Proactive to Punishment.

Note that in the comments, someone I remember as being a whole lot saner says something about my “selling out” to the idea this is no big deal or some such nonsense.
Yeah. I sold out. I sold out to the idea that destroying the economy will cost us a lot more in lives, ultimately, than this will, even if we’d lost double the number of lives we’ve lost so far. We’ll lose them to poverty, despair, government take over of insolvent hospitals (because they were ordered to stop performing medicine while waiting for COVID-19 patients who never came.) But mostly we’ll lose them to starvation and sheer inability to get what’s needed when it’s needed. Because the state sucks at doing that. No planned economy EVER has managed to keep its entire population well fed, let alone comfortable, let alone happy.  The free market manages the first routinely.  But sure, let’s kill millions to save 100k. Or because 100k MIGHT die. Or something.
You know what, I am rather nostalgic for the days in which I was merely accused of being in the pay of the patriarchy, the Zionists or the vast right wing conspiracy.