THE LONELY LIVES OF LIBERALS: CBS’s Anti-Trump Drama Fantasizes: President Hillary Cures Cancer, Saves Rainforest.

I thought Newsweek owned the controls to the DNC multiverse:

If Gore Had Won — An alternate oral history of the last decade.

—Headline, Newsweek, December, 2010.

Hillary Clinton Is President in an Alternate Universe, Where America Is Great Again.

—Headline, Newsweek, July 12, 2017. (Newsweek also famously dropped the handle on a “Madam President” issue on election night, in a classic “Dewey Defeats Truman” move.)

If Beto O’Rourke was president, here’s how he would handle migrant caravan.

—Tweet by Newsweek, November 26, 2018.

And of course, the ultimate leftwing fantasy moment from Newsweek immediately after the November election: “Madam President: how Newsweek reported a Clinton victory.”