OPEN BORDERS: Disaster in motion: Where flights from coronavirus-ravaged countries landed in US. “From December through March, as severe outbreaks cropped up in China and then Italy and Spain, among others, thousands of flights from the hard-hit nations poured into U.S. cities, according to an ABC News analysis of more than 20 million flight records obtained from the tracking service Flightradar-24. While it is unclear the precise number of passengers into the U.S. who were infected with the coronavirus, the medical experts told ABC News such a huge pool of people virtually assures that a number had the highly contagious disease.”

But stopping them from coming back then would have been xenophobic, and probably racist.

UPDATE: That was fast, the ABC story seems to have been taken down. Here’s the Google Cache version.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Eugene Volokh says it’s still available at this URL.