IDENTITY POLITICS HAS NEVER BEEN MORE IRRELEVANT: The Covid-19 crisis has exposed just how self-indulgent the identitarian left has become.

True, but expect them to ramp up even more online as the Big Shutdown grinds on. As Woody Allen said in Manhattan, people “are constantly creating these real unnecessary neurotic problems for themselves, because it keeps them from dealing with more unsolvable, terrifying problems about the universe.”

Related: Orwell & SJWs: “Of course [Social Justice Warriors] going to find ways to use this crisis to their advantage. They go around inventing problems or dramatically exaggerating or misinterpreting small problems to push their agenda; why wouldn’t they do the same in a situation where there’s so much chaos and thus so much going wrong. My experience so far is that people are really underestimating how much of this there will be and how much of it will be institutionalized while we’re busy doing other things like tending to the sick and dying and trying not to lose our livelihoods and/or join them ourselves.”