BEING THERE: Democrats Are Nominating Chance the Gardener From ‘Being There’ for President, Roger Simon writes.

And Joe goes out his way to prove it: “You’re full of s***”: Biden’s 2nd Amendment voter outreach in Detroit going as well as you’d imagine. “Biden denies in this clip that he wants to confiscate anyone’s guns. One week ago, though, Biden publicly proclaimed that he would put Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke in charge of his gun policy, a former presidential aspirant who explicitly called for gun confiscations by law enforcement following an assault rifle ban…Biden at one point mentions ‘AR-14s’ as an example of firearms Americans don’t need, which is good because they don’t exist.”

Does Joe remember who he served as vice president, or even his own past rhetoric?

● Shot: “I am not going to take your guns away. So if you want to find an excuse not to vote for me, don’t use that one. Cause that just ain’t true.”

—Barack Obama, September 9, 2008. (Narrator voice: ultimately, it was true.)

● Chaser: Biden Warns Gun Makers: ‘I’m Coming For You. Period.’

—Rick Moran, PJ Media, February 24, 2020.