SANDERS BRINGING CYNICISM TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL: There are a few things we know about Bernie Sanders. (1) He is Jewish, and though he has never been very vocal about it, this campaign season he has emphasized his pride in his Jewish background; (2) He claims to believe in a “higher power” of some sort, but it’s not the Judeo-Christian God, but something more New Agey–if he’s not really just an atheist and doesn’t want to admit for political reasons; (3) He acknowledges that he doesn’t participate in organized religion; and (4) He purports to be very offended by antisemitism, as when he expressed outrage at the swastika unveiled at his recent campaign rally.

So, naturally his campaign releases photographs of him… engaging in assumedly Christian prayer with a famous African-American minister who has a history of making antisemitic comments in a rather transparent attempt to cut into Joe Biden’s lead with black voters. Can’t make this stuff up, folks.