Breitbart News reported, “Florida’s E-Verify bill will likely push 140,000 illegals out of Florida jobs and make it difficult for employers to hire replacement workers at current wages, says a university study funded by the investors who are trying to block the E-Verify bill.

“If ‘existing undocumented workers were to exit the Florida economy in the number anticipated were E-Verify adopted, the adequate numbers of native workers would not be available at current wage rates,’ says the draft report funded by, an advocacy group for billionaire investors, including Mark Zuckerberg.

“‘This is basically making the case for us that employers are employing illegal workers to keep wages low and to increase their own profits,’ said Rosemary Jenks, director of government relations at NumbersUSA. ‘If they can’t replace those workers at the same [pay] level, then, oh my gosh, then they are going to have to increase wages [for Americans]. … It is exactly what should happen.’ . . .

“The biggest winners from the E-Verify bill would be the least paid, least educated workers in the economy, said the study by Rick Harper, an economist formerly at the University of West Florida.”

Hey Republicans.

This is how you get black votes and Hispanic votes. Not by pandering, but by delivering.

An idea so crazy it just might work.