THIS IS A TERRIBLE IDEA, AND I’M EMBARRASSED THAT IT’S EVEN BEING INTRODUCED IN THE TENNESSEE LEGISLATURE: No more paper or plastic! Proposed law would ban TN stores from giving throw-away bags to customers.

This does nothing for plastic contamination of the oceans — most of which comes from China anyway — and bans on disposable bags are associated with increased ER visits for foodborne illness. Plus, lots of people reuse old grocery bags as garbage bags, etc. This will just lead to their replacement with plastic. It’s a dumb feelgood law for people who just want to boss other people around. Worse yet, it’s introduced by a Republican who should know better. I even supported him.

UPDATE: Oh, sure, the grocery stores will probably get behind this if they can start charging people for the bags they used to give away for free. That’s not a plus in my view.