NEW SOCIALIST “IT GIRL” CONTINUES TO PAY DIVIDENDS: AOC Demonizes Business Owners: They’re Lazy Slave Owners, Employees ‘Literally Dying.’ Complete with an Obama-esque “you didn’t build that” moment:

Ocasio-Cortez made the extreme remarks when she was asked why successful business owners were “the enemy of health care.”

“Well, you didn’t make those widgets, did you?” Ocasio-Cortez began. “Because you employed thousands of people and paid them less than a living wage to make those widgets for you. You didn’t make those widgets.”

“You sat on a couch while thousands of people were paid modern day slave wages, and in some cases real slave, real modern-day slavery, uh, depending on where you are in terms of food production,” Ocasio-Cortez claimed.

Related: AOC Steps in It Again, Claiming Dems Are a ‘Center-Conservative’ Party, Not ‘a Left Party.’

From Stalin’s point of view, that would be correct. And speaking of “modern-day slavery:” Project Veritas: Another Bernie Organizer Praises Soviet Gulags, Dreams of GOP in ‘Re-Education Camps.’

All the Democrats have to do is not be crazy, and they can’t even do that.