WITH DNC IN MIND, CITY BANS CARRYING URINE, FECES: Shock Photo: San Fran man defecates in grocery store aisle.

Related: How the rich and famous profess sympathy for left-wing sociopaths:

The new chief law-enforcement official in San Francisco isn’t particularly concerned with enforcing the law. Chesa Boudin, the city’s recently elected district attorney, campaigned to end prosecution of “quality-of-life crimes” like “public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc.”

San Franciscans are about to get a small taste of what Venezuelans have been suffering for two decades. And not only due to the increased public squalor that will be a direct result of Boudin’s opposition to policing. The Yale-educated Rhodes scholar once worked as a translator and advisor to that benighted land’s late president-for-life, Hugo Chavez. A decade ago, after Chavez abolished term limits, Boudin cheered. According to San Francisco’s future DA, the man who did more to destroy democracy in Venezuela than anyone established the “first participatory democracy I have ever seen.”

Singing the praises and whitewashing the crimes of leftist authoritarians runs in the Boudin family: Chesa is the son of two Weathermen terrorists who took part in a 1981 robbery that killed three people in Nyack, NY; he was raised by another pair of radical left-wing terrorists after his birth parents went to prison, and his grandfather was Fidel Castro’s lawyer.

As if San Franciscans aren’t getting it “good and hard,” as Mencken would say, already.

(Classical reference in headline.)