She has also offered enthusiastic support for Palestinian terrorists like Rasmea Odeh and cop-killing fugitives like Assata Shakur. At the same time, she has argued that Jewish progressives who criticized Rep. Ilhan Omar for anti-Semitic remarks have divided loyalties. Such criticism of Omar, she claimed “is not only coming from the right-wing but some folks who masquerade as progressives but always choose their allegiance to Israel over their commitment to democracy and free speech.”

For a self-proclaimed advocate of women, Sarsour is viciously hostile toward women who disagree with her. She tweeted that Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who is critical of Islam and who was the victim of female genital mutilation as a child, was “asking for an a$$ whippin,” adding: “I wish I could take their vaginas away–they don’t deserve to be women.” Eventually, Sarsour (along with Mallory) was removed from her leadership position in the Women’s March after many of its supporters protested that her involvement with the organization represented a tacit endorsement of anti-Semitism—to say nothing of Sarsour’s own blatant homophobia.

Rather than engage her critics, Sarsour blames Islamaphobia when she is called to account for her behavior. “The point of the term ‘Islamophobia’ as used by Sarsour and her sympathizers is very often a self-interested and dishonest one—namely, to delegitimize critics by lumping them in with fringe racists and bigots,” Jamie Kirchick noted in a profile of Sarsour in Tablet in 2017.

When CNN’s Jake Tapper called out Sarsour and the Women’s March over their support of Shakur, for example, Sarsour responded by claiming that Tapper had joined the alt-right.

So why did Bernie Sanders embrace such a toxic surrogate for his presidential run, especially given his own claim to want to fight anti-Semitism?

As Noah Rothman wrote on Friday, “Bernie Sanders Has a Big Jeremy Corbyn Problem.” That’s rather on-brand for what Kevin Williamson dubbed in 2015, “Bernie’s Strange Brew of Nationalism and Socialism.”

Related: Question asked and answered: