HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Can Storied Williams College Be Saved From Itself?

How did Williams, founded in 1793, the cradle of captains of industry, ever get to this point of intellectual dysfunction? Look at the Wikipedia entry and weep at the roster of distinguished alumni: 3 chairmen of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 71 members of the United States Congress, 22 U.S. Governors, 4 U.S. Cabinet secretaries, an associate justice of the Supreme Court and a president of the United States. And now the very thought of living by the First Amendment on campus proves grounds for a hit squad of students to disrupt a faculty meeting, while courses on anything European inspire a boycott.

Cost of attending Williams College: $75,520 per year. Most of it funded by taxpayer money, one way or another. But when taxpayers get tired of funding it, we’ll be told it’s because of “anti-intellectualism.”

Related: Whatever the Left touches, it ruins.