IT’S COME TO THIS: Don Cherry, the Canadian Sports Network’s legendary hockey announcer, was “fired from Hockey Night in Canada over recent remarks that caused uproar,” on Remembrance Day, which coincides with America’s Veteran’s Day:

Cherry, 85, had singled out new immigrants in Toronto and Mississauga, Ont., where he lives, for not honouring Canada’s veterans and dead soldiers.

“You people … you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey, at least you can pay a couple bucks for a poppy or something like that,” Cherry said Saturday night on the popular “Coach’s Corner” segment. “These guys paid for your way of life that you enjoy in Canada, these guys paid the biggest price.”

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The Toronto Sun’s Joe Warmington was among the first to report the news about the firing on Monday. Cherry told Warmington that he was hurt to be fired today of all days, given it is Remembrance Day.

“I have just learned I’ve been fired by Sportsnet for comments made on Coach’s Corner Nov. 9,” Cherry told Warmington. “No problem.”

“I know what I said and I meant it. Everybody in Canada should wear a poppy to honour our fallen soldiers.”

“I speak the truth and I walk the walk. I have visited the bases of the troops, been to Afghanistan with our brave soldiers at Christmas, been to cemeteries of our fallen around the world and honoured our fallen troops on Coach’s Corner.”

The Rebel’s YouTube page notes that “Canada’s elites want to ‘cancel’ hockey legend Don Cherry, just for saying that all Canadians —including immigrants — should wear poppies on Remembrance Day. Ezra Levant agrees with Don (video):”

UPDATE: “Just in case you thought there was nothing they could do to make you hate the Multi-Cult more,” Kate of Canada’s Small Dead Animals blog writes, under the headline, “Hockey Night in Wokestan.”

The Rebel has a “Support Don Cherry” petition, which has almost 24,000 signatures, including mine.