INTO THE POCKETS OF POLITICIANS WHO WERE CALLING TRUMP A CALLOUS MURDERER, IT SEEMS: Sharyl Attkisson: Where Did The $91 Billion For Hurricane Recovery In Puerto Rico Go? “Fueling discontent in Puerto Rico is news that the FBI is investigating a number of government officials and contractors are under fbi investigation over allegations of misuse of all the taxpayer money sent in after Hurricane Maria. The FBI has arrested six top Puerto Rican government officials and consultants. Also charged— FEMA official Ahsha Tribble – once an Obama homeland security adviser. Tribble took the lead on getting Puerto Rico’s electric grid fixed. Now she is accused of taking bribes to steer a $1.8 billion dollar contract to a company called Cobra. Cobra’s CEO at the time and a FEMA friend of Tribble’s who went to work for COBRA were also arrested.”