LAYERS OF EDITORS AND FACT-CHECKERS: The Washington Post Doesn’t Want to Talk About the Monster Correction It Published Today. “The correction on Korsha Wilson’s July 23 Washington Post feature about black families trying to hold onto their forebears’ farmland is gruesome. It’s 579 words long, a little more than a fifth of the length of the revised article. It has 15 bullet points. In print, it’s so long it has to jump from the first page of the Food section to the fourth.”

There’s no disgrace in correcting errors — in fact, the willingness to do so should be a good sign. But when an error this big slips through, it suggests there’s something bigger that’s wrong. And call me crazy, but these resume lines don’t scream “careful accuracy” to me:

Wilson is a freelancer who’s had bylines in the New York Times and many food publications, including Bon Appétit, Saveur, and Food & Wine. She hosts a podcast called A Hungry Society. In February, she wrote a much-talked-about piece in Eater about how the character of much mainstream food criticism is still too white and male. In March, she spoke at SXSW as part of a panel discussion about how food can help “make a more inclusive world.”

Sigh. Also kinda pathetic that the Post won’t talk about what went wrong, but just refers people to a PR flack.