NEW SOCIALIST “IT GIRL” CONTINUES TO PAY DIVIDENDS: AOC Accuses New York Times of Abetting ‘White Supremacy.’

Related: ‘Cocaine Mitch strikes again!’ Team Mitch’s response to AOC’s cardboard cutout tantrum is straight-up gold [pics]:

And while McConnell’s social media team is having fun, note that Twitter HQ allowed the hashtag “#MassacreMoscowMitch” to trend last night, Chrissy Clark  writes at the Federalist. “Wajahat Ali, a CNN contributor and New York Times contributing writer tweeted, ‘#MassacreMoscowMitch is trending. I still have faith in America.'”

While Twitter itself is a cesspool, it does have one benefit: it allows the biases of those who contribute to old media to become very apparent.

Earlier: Anti-Gun Agitators Harass Sen. McConnell at His Home: ‘Just Stab the Motherf*cker in the Heart!’