Problem: Vladimir’s family lived in Dnipro, Ukraine; Novokuznetzk is on the other side of the USSR, near the Mongolian border — a 17-hour flight.

But the family needed a toilet. So off dad went.

How did he get the toilet home? He lugged it onto the Aeroflot flight, and sat on the toilet all the way back to Dnipro. Though a small man, Vladimir’s dad wrestled the toilet up into their apartment and installed it. There it remains to this day.

A system that makes a man have to fly 17 hours one way to get a new toilet through back channel connections, then ride all the way back home sitting on top of that commode — that’s not a system that works.

Read the whole thing, knowing that AOC and her chief of staff would look at the above and think, “I only have two problems with this story:”

  1. Commercial aviation.
  2. Indoor plumbing.

Other than that, it’s a nice preview of the Green Nude Deal in action. As Glenn has written, “Under capitalism, the rich grow powerful. Under socialism, the powerful grow rich — and everyone else grows poor.” Don’t call it “growing poor,” simply say they suffered from an excess of unexpected bad luck.