CLARICE FELDMAN: Mogadishu Mon Amour.

The French movie Hiroshima Mon Amour is based on human memory and forgetfulness as recounted by two lovers. The tale of the congresswoman who calls herself Ilhan Omar is a tale of an anti-Semite bred-in-the-bone corruptocrat whose rise in political power rests very largely on complicity by the media’s airbrushing of her history because they thought this physically attractive African Moslem “refugee” was just the ticket to defeat Donald Trump. The media counts on our forgetfulness and ignorance.

Hard work by independent media, however, has exposed her and her media apologists and the Democrats have little choice: Condemn her and remove her from her committee assignments or suffer the consequences. Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s repeated defense of her, (doubtless for fear of being targeted by the leftist nutjobs in her ranks) has placed her party’s continued majority in serious jeopardy.

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The President succeeded this week in nailing the Democratic Party to its four anti-American female harpies. As for Omar, I’d be astonished if the FBI hasn’t finally opened an investigative file on her. Voters have had more than their fill of political figures breaking the laws without consequences. It’s your party, Pelosi, you can cry if you want to.

Read the whole thing.

Related: Omar Refuses To Denounce Al-Qaeda, Islamic Terrorism.