If Joe Biden is smart, he will not be intimidated by Harris’s race-baiting, and will go after her on this. But among the enwokened Democratic primary electorate, I don’t know if an old white man like Biden can sustain an effective attack on a black woman on a racially-charged issue. We’ll see.

Now that Harris has declared, through her press secretary, that she favors forced busing, we all know what a Harris presidency would mean. And the fact that she was willing to tear into Joe Biden so cynically, using race as her stiletto, we also know something about the way she would govern as president. Advantage Trump.

How cynical is Harris? “She had the t-shirts printed and ready to go. All she needed to do was to portray Joe Biden — Joe Biden! — as an integration opponent who bullies little black girls.”

Earlier: More than Gotcha: Kamala’s Busing Blunder.