Democratic candidates generally don’t have much to fear from interviews on National Public Radio, but Morning Edition anchor Steve Inskeep raised our eyebrows by pushing Beto O’Rourke a bit on Friday on what people will be forced to give up under liberal climate-change policies. The liberal media often focus on the Impending Crisis, and then go light on how liberals would crack down on “bad” behaviors.

Online, the interview carried an “idealistic” headline:

Beto O’Rourke Calls For A ‘Moonshot’ To Combat Climate Change

But the moonshot comment wasn’t included in the on-air interview. Online, they reported O’Rourke told NPR “We’ve called for … an investment commensurate with John F. Kennedy’s moonshot.”

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Inskeep asked about Texas oil, but O’Rourke said Oil is Done-zo:

INSKEEP: Your state’s big industry — oil — is going to be fine?

O’ROURKE: My state’s big industry is going to have to transition into its other big industry. We generate more wind power than any other state in the union. As we free ourselves from that dependence on fossil fuels, we’re going to see more of my fellow Texans and fellow Americans transition into renewable energy jobs; high-demand, high-skill, high-wage occupations.

To build on our post last night on Bernie Sanders, and thus, O’Rourke has his equivalent of Sanders refusing to tell Fox’s Chris Wallace yesterday that he’s against nationalizing utilities, banks and major industries. And Obama and Hillary’s promises on the campaign trail to put the coal industry out of business, not to mention AOC’s disastrous original “Green New Deal” outline calling for the elimination of public air travel. The left’s motto in 2020? Ban all the things!